All too often I've met and worked with clients who have had a false sense of what love is.  Today I'd like to take you on a thought provoking journey.

We are all individually responsible for the creation and experience of our own unique lives.  Our level of creation starts with thought.  Understanding that every thought "becomes" and depending on how strongly we "feel" about each thought, determines how quick it becomes reality.

Right now, your life as it is, the people involved in your life, the experiences you're having...whether negative/positive or good/bad is a reflection or representation of your thoughts and inner beliefs from yesterday.  My question is:...."what are you manifesting in your life tomorrow based on your own inner thoughts right here right now in this very moment?"

We are all Spiritual Beings, having a human experience on this earth.  Spirit knows nothing but:- Creation and Unconditional Love.

The word "unconditional" literally means: without conditions or expectations.

From the time that we are born we are programmed and conditioned by our parents so that we can "learn" to become humans and function as humans.  Our mother's will at some point say to us "don't run you're going to fall" (this is a belief she forces upon us because it was forced upon her at some point as she grew up) as soon as we fell, her automatic response was "I told you so" she has now imprinted into us the belief that running equates to falling - so we'll not do that again.  We develop a fear emotion for the act of running in the future. 

Out of fear, our parent's may have shouted or yelled for us to get away from a swimming pool, when we failed to obey their instructions, they may have given us a very hard smack on the bum.  In that instant, we learned that these humans who are loving also have the ability to harm us, and judging by their harshness, the ability to hurt us badly.  This again invokes fear from a young age.   The cycle continued as we grew up and went to school and eventually into the adult world. 

To punish you for disobeying simple instruction, your parents may have told you to spend time alone in isolation in your room to think about what you've done wrong.  This feeling of isolation and rejection in turn creates a fear of  isolation, in you!!!

You see, if you look around you today, your life is literally fear driven, fear in many aspects such as:
Fear of death
Fear of danger
Fear of failure
Fear of rejection
Fear of life
Fear of financial loss
Fear of love
Fear of accepting joy
Fear of not being good enough
Fear of not succeeding with everyone else's expectations
Fear of heights
Fear of the dark
Fear of loneliness

Let's stop for a moment and look at fear for a moment to define and dissect it so that we can understand it for what it really is:
  • A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger.
  • A state or condition marked by this feeling
The acronym for FEAR is Simple:

Fear is an illusion that is created in our minds, the illusion or thought only becomes a reality when we attach feelings or emotions to the thought, whereby making it a real thing. 

Understanding that your level of Creation starts with thought, and you attach feelings to your thoughts.  Those feelings are vibrations of energy that project from you (being the source).  What ever we project, we attract either an opposite or equal reaction and attract people, situations and circumstances into our lives that match our original (fear based) thoughts.

So if you fear rejection for instance, don't be surprised when you constantly attract people into your life who constantly make you feel rejected.

If you could understand that the sub concious mind doesn't determine the difference between positive and negative or good and bad, it simply acts as a bank, and all the information (thoughts) you feed it, just sits there.  It's your emotions that differ based on past experience where you developed your value system.  So in effect, your values determine the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, positive and negative for you.  Your values are the emotional feelings that you attach to various thoughts.  For instance, you "feel" fear if confronted by an armed burglar - you don't "think" fear.

For you to start developing a healthy emotional intelligence, it is therefore important to start "thinking" about what you're thinking about.  If you feel you aren't worthy of love and don't deserve to be as happy as one of your friends. 

You could start reprogramming your mind by telling your thoughts the following affirmation on an hourly basis:
"I am worthy of love, I choose to be free, I trust the process of life, life always supports and loves me."

When you begin to condition the inner thoughts of the mind, the outer life becomes a healthy reflection of your inner thoughts.

People who are trapped in the viscious cycle of working hard to make money and keep head above water, often when questioned, their response about money is: "I have to work hard for money and money doesn't grow on tree's"  That is exactly what their experience of life is.  You see your inner beliefs regarding all your inner thoughts and the level of faith (emotion) attached to those beliefs become the experiences you have in life.

You see, when you are not loving yourself, then in effect the emotions you are giving to other's around you are often not loving either.  You are the source of all your experiences, whether good or bad.  As soon as you take responsibility, stop blaming and begin using and applying the useful tools that you'll receive at our ladies event on 12th October @ The Cunning Linguist Ladies Event - your outer experience of life will begin reflecting the healthy inner beliefs about yourself and about your life.

We are all the Creator's of our own lives, if you are reading this article and you can honestly say that you've managed to manifest a whole lot of things in your life that you didn't want, I say WELL DONE!!!  Because it shows me how strongly you FEEL about your own inner beliefs, even if they are not serving you in your purpose to reaching your goals.  The fact is that together with the other life coaches who will work with you at our ladies event, we will show you HOW to work with your inner non serving beliefs and HOW to change them into beliefs that DO serve you!!!  You see, we believe that you DESERVE to live a healthy, loving, joyful prosperous life where you are FREE to love and be loved and FREE to become a creative expression of your inner desires!!!

So go to The Cunning Linguist NOW and register for 12th October 2013.  If you have any friends who are constantly complaining about life and what doesn't work, invite them too, let's heal as many lives as we can!

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